Thursday, January 24, 2013

Taking Care of Your Horse


Did you know that horses like their teeth brushed with mint toothpaste. At first they may not let you put it in their mouth, but if you do it every day they may start to like it. Some horses just won't like it at all. You should get a soft toothbrush for your horse so it's not too much on their teeth and put the toothpaste on that.

If your horse is just getting used to a bit or they just don't like them, then try putting a flavor of toothpaste that they like on their bit so that it doesn't just taste like metal.

You can get baby lotion to put in your horse's mane and tail to make it really soft.            

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Dog Likes To Write Poems

Did you know that if you hold your dog's paw, she is actually pretty good at writing?

This is what she wrote:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

cool facts

Is this cool or what?

 The surface of water has enough tension that it acts like a layer of skin That way a water spider can stand on water and they don’t just fall in.


Snakes have no eyelids so they can always be on the lookout for prey.

Lizards can be one inch up to 14 feet.